Postman – The best REST Client | Productivity Tools
Postman is the App which we are going to see in this series today.
Postman is the App which we are going to see in this series today.
This video covers the microservices architecture and what it means for developers.
This video covers what is Xmind – the mind mapping tool.
This video covers what is 12 Factor App and why do we need them?
This project depicts the Spring Boot Example with Spring Data REST and JPA Example
This Project shows the list of Users which are stored in the In-Memory H2 Database. Using the following endpoints, different operations can be achieved:
– This returns the list of Users in the Users table which is created in H2/users/name/{name}
– This returns the details of the Users passed in URL/users/load
– Add new users using the Users model. eg. { "name": "Ajay", "teamName": "Development", "salary": 100 }mvn clean install
– Plain maven clean and installPivotal Cloud Foundry is the Cloud Application Platform which is a Platform As A Service (PaaS) offering from Pivotal which abstracts away infrastructure and enables us to focus on the application implementation.
Cloud Foundry is an open source Cloud Application Platform which is a Platform As A Service (PaaS) offering from Pivotal which abstracts away infrastructure and enables us to focus on the application implementation.
Spring Web MVC is the original web framework built on the Servlet API and included in the Spring Framework from the very beginning. The formal name “Spring Web MVC” comes from the name of its source module spring-webmvc but it is more commonly known as “Spring MVC”.
Spring Boot is an Opinionated Framework created by Pivotal (Previously Spring) which simplifies the way we are creating Spring Applications using Embedded Tomcat and tones of library integrations.
Spring Boot is an Opinionated Framework created by Pivotal (Previously Spring) which simplifies the way we are creating Spring Applications using Embedded Tomcat and tones of library integrations.